Just how many different things can our beautiful opportunistic 2 year old get into??
Wowza! I decided to make a list just so everyone else can have a taste of my world without the mess. I know, Mom, you have already had your taste with me and this is my end of the mom curse, you know, the one that goes....."I hope you have a child just like you one day"
Just in the last 2 weeks or so........
(usually while I am taking care of a Madison need)
Ben has.......
- Made his own chocolate milk
- spread uncooked spaghetti all over the living room
- made his own concoction of Trix and garlic salt on the kitchen counter
- got his own Wii game (from the kitchen upper cabinet) out and played
- got out potatoes and a butter knife and had the knife almost completely through the potato
- made his own cereal with a full gallon of milk (ended with 1/2 a gallon) :(
- played with chilli powder and tabasco (luckily he couldn't get the tabasco lid open)
- scaled the game shelf to get a game on my eye level
- got into Mark's pokemon cards and spread them all around the lower level
- sat on the edge of the counter (still not sure how he got there) and played with the things in the sink and on the microwave
- made his own cinnamon sugar toast...this was after I made him cinnamon sugar toast he decided there wasn't enough butter or cinnamon sugar
- got extra bbq sauce for his chicken at dinner and filled his plate
- on David's bday while we were getting plates he just had to taste the pie and ran two fingers across the whole thing for a taste
I am sure there are more but those are the ones I can think of.......
yikes, wears me out just thinking about it.
Just a window into the life of our wonderful 2 year old. He definitely keeps things fresh and us ready to clean up messes :) And, keep in mind these are the messes that happened, not included all the many many messes that we prevented :)
I would love to be able to read his mind for one day.......wouldn't you???
Love you all!
Miss you all!